Easy Crock Pot Breakfast

Looking for an easy Christmas morning breakfast?? or any morning!? look no further. This recipe is delicious and simple and did I say delicious? haha I made this for Sunday morning before church, when my SIL came for a visit. The 3 of us snacked on it all day. It was super delicious. I just popped my crock pot on warm a few minuets before I wanted to eat it again.

Without further ado….


12 eggs

1 bag of frozen hash browns

1 16oz roll of sausage (I used Mild)

1 medium yellow onion (diced)

Cream Cheese to taste ( I used what I had. About 1\4 of a cup)

16 oz of shredded cheddar cheese

1 cup of Milk

Salt and Pepper to taste

Start off by browning your sausage. Once it is all cooked up add in your chopped onions and saute them together for 5 minuets. In a bowl whisk together 1 cup of milk and the 12 eggs (cracking 12 eggs is no joke! watch the shells). Spray your crock pot with some cooking spray and turn it on low. You can add all this to the crock pot but I think its a little easier to mix it in a bowl first. Add the hash browns,  pile on the cheeses, and add in the sausage onion mixture. Mix everything up evenly than add to the crock pot (unless its already in the pot). Then pour the egg over everything in the crock pot. Make sure it is spread evenly. Cover in cheese (if you want) Cook on low 6-8 hours. I put it in just before bed, like 6.5 hours before I had to get up for church.

IMG_6072 IMG_6073 IMG_6074 IMG_6075 IMG_6076 IMG_6077 IMG_6078 IMG_6079 IMG_6080This is what it looked like when I woke up! (eh?) it tastes yummy, just stir it up a bit.